? ? ? 为锻炼生物医学工程系各年级学生及博士后的科研展示能力,促进学术交流与合作。由生物医学工程系主办,生物医学工程系第二党支部承办的BME学术沙龙第二轮于新学期隆重回归。该活动计划每月举行一次,每次Normal talk由我系两个课题组的学生或博士后进行学术分享。
Everyone are welcome!
Pizza and drinks will be served!
18:20-19:00? Normal talk
19:00-19:02 Fire talk
【Normal talk】
Three-dimensional liquid metal-based conformal neuro-interfaces for human brain organoids
? ? ? ?Brain organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have emerged as promising models for investigating neurodegenerative disorders, such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. However, obtaining the electrical information of these free-floating organoids in a noninvasive manner remains a challenge using commercial multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). The 3D MEAs developed recently acquired only a few neural signals due to limited channel numbers. We established a cyborg organoid (cyb-organoid) platform coupling a liquid metal-polymer conductor (MPC)-based mesh neuro-interface with brain organoids. The mesh MPC (mMPC) integrated 128-channel multielectrode arrays distributed on a small surface area (~2*2 mm). Stretchability (up to 500%) and flexibility of the mMPC enable its conformal attachment to hHOs. ?We successfully detected neural signals from this cyb-organoid. Compared with traditional planar devices, our non-invasive coupling offers an adaptor for recording neural signals from 3D models.
报告题目:Double spiral resonant MEMS scanning for ultra-high-speed miniaturized optical microscopy?
? ? ? ?Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)-based optical scanners play a vital role in the development of miniaturized optical imaging modalities. However, there is a longstanding challenge to balance the temporal resolution, field of view (FOV) and systematic fidelity. Here, we propose a double spiral scanning mechanism to enable high-frequency resonant scanning of MEMS scanners without sacrificing the imaging quality, and offer the versatile imaging interface for applications in different scenarios. This arrangement, demonstrated by photoacoustic endoscopy, shows that the imaging rate and FOV can be improved more than 60 and 2 times, respectively. The proposed method is general to address the limitations of MEMS-based scanning microscopies and can be adapted for various miniaturized imaging modalities, such as endoscopy, intraoperative image-guided surgery and wearable devices.
【Fire talk】
报告题目:Irrelevant social comparison affects exploration of uncertainty and its association with subjective expectations
? ? ? ?Social comparison widely exists, which involves individuals evaluating themselves in comparison to others. Although this process may provide useful information in some cases, there are instances where the comparison holds no relevance to an individual's personal outcome. The effect of those irrelevant social comparisons on decision-making under uncertainty is not well understood. The current study aimed to examine the effect of this irrelevant social comparison on uncertainty exploration and its association with subjective expectations. Participants were recruited to engage in a decision-making task under uncertainty while exposed to both themselves and others' outcomes. The results revealed that purely presenting others' outcomes affected participants' exploration behavior significantly, with lower rewards than others leading to increased exploration of uncertainty. Additionally, subjective expectations were found to be associated with social comparison, whereby higher rewards than others and lower subjective expectations consistently increased participants' exploitation behaviors, indicating that social comparison affected individuals' adjustment of subjective expectations. These findings emphasize the role of social comparison in decision-making processes, even in cases where the comparison doesn't directly pertain to an individual's personal outcome. Our work provides insight into modeling complex social interaction and extends valuable implications across domains such as psychology and economics.